Dear Community,
A few things to keep in mind for the many political and community events going on:
As everyone knows the coronavirus known as COVID19 is spreading in Western Washington. While those who are infected are either staying home on quarantine or needing hospital treatment, there are things we can do to keep each other safe.
- Limit social contact. The CDC is suggesting people stay 6 feet away from each other, which is impossible at Primary parties or Debate watch parties. What you can do is keep from shaking hands or hugging, and make sure you have washed your hands well (that means 20 seconds with soap or alcohol-based hand sanitizer) before joining in at a potluck table.
- If you have the following symptoms, STAY HOME: fever of 101 or greater, shortness of breath, cough, and severe fatigue with mental confusion. If you are having a hard time breathing go straight to the ER. However, if you are not in urgent distress STAY HOME and call your doctor’s office to determine if your symptoms actually are COVID19. If you are uninsured and do not have a doctor call your closest urgent care or the Department of Health, and they will help you in deciding if you have the virus or another condition.
- Wash your hands frequently, always before eating, and after contact with others. Try to avoid touching your face. Cough into your elbow and if someone else starts to cough step back.
- If you find out you have been in close contact with someone who ends up getting diagnosed the safest thing is to stay home, as you can incubate the virus from 2-14 days before you become symptomatic.
- Transmission from someone without active symptoms does not appear to have occurred. Meaning, if someone was exposed yesterday, and feels fine today, they are highly unlikely to pass it on to you.
- Those at higher risk: older adults, people who have serious chronic medical conditions like: Heart disease, Diabetes, Lung disease, chronic illness or autoimmune diseases.
Lastly, you know your own health best. If you feel like you must start doing your candidate support and organizing from home there will be many ways to stay engaged. Please reach out to for any questions.
In Solidarity,
Izzy Baldo, RN/ Oly DSA-Medicare for All working group Chair